
Nye nettsider er under produksjon

Environment and Quality

Environmental policy

NCP shall comply with current legislation for health, safety, and environment together with taking responsibility for the employees' safety, the environment and the resources of the earth.

NCP works continuously to prevent and reduce the environmental impact of our own business and the products we deliver. Environmental deviations must be reported and measures must be implemented immediately. Our products must have properties that provide an environmentally friendly life cycle - from production, logistics, in various areas of application and on to disposal. NCP's environmental management system complies with the ISO 14001 standard.


Our vision is to position NCP as the market leader in the segments and markets in which we operate. Quality in everything we do is our commitment.

In NCP, quality is defined as complying with our obligations to our customers. We focus on meeting our customers' requirements by controlling our processes so that we deliver high quality at the agreed time. We also want to assure a supply of products to our customers with the same quality with economic and viable products that meet our customers' needs. Our suppliers, customers, and partners will be familiar with and identify with our quality profile. NCP's quality management system complies with the ISO 9001 standard.